Adding a module to an assembly

Thank you all so much for your help!
Now I have the following question: how do I build linux tools from the source?

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Do you mean the host tools, such as gcc?


I mean package “linux tools” which include tools for usbip and etc.

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You could create a customized buildroot in a similar manner to the Linux changes. Are the tools in the buildroot config?


Is buildroot config called by the menuconfig kernel function?

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Try menuconfig as see if that works.

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It works. But I didnt find some like linux-tools there.
To clarify the task, I need 2 tools: usbipd and usbip.
On another forum about another single-board computer I found instruction how to compile yourself:

$apt-get install linux-source-5.10.34-current-meson64
go into the /usr/src/tools/usb/usbip directory and follow instructions in README:
$ ./
$ ./configure --with-tcp-wrappers=no
$ make install

Maybe based on this information, you can tell me what to do in order for me to compile these tools?

I generally understand what they did. I think there should be a way to do similar things at the firmware compilation stage.

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I am not familiar with these particular tools, but there should be a way to tell configure that you are cross-compiling, and so build using the risc-v compiler, e.g. GNU automake cross-compiltion.

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Still, maybe someone knows how to perform an additional compilation of the tool during the OS build?