
请问何时会有buildroot主线支持?在主线似乎有个Nezha D1使用相同CPU核,也有musl支持,要添加应该不难?

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Upstream 的工作已经开始了,后续有阶段性的进展会更新出来 :smiley:

In the mean time, why not try this one. :smiley:

This builds everything from scratch, including the toolchain, but not the FSBL.

The toolchain uses the code from riscv-gnu-toolchain and it compiles fine with all the three C libraries (musl, glibc and uClibc-ng) that buildroot uses.

This is still a work in progress though.


The build system should be able to run without the need for Docker, so I don’t like the official repo.
This is exactly what I want. Really appreciated.

I’ve included instructions on how to use it:

No worry, coming soon. I am currently working ahead merging the duo’s commits to the mainline buildroot. And @kinsa 's work is very exciting. You may have a taste on that.

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Here’s another version that does not use the rvv extension of the C906. This allows the use of the latest mainline gcc compiler.

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gtxzsxxk/duo-buildroot: Which is preparing for the mainline (github.com)


I am an intern currently working on merging the duo-buildroot-sdk into the mainline buildroot. My collaboration with kinsa involves creating an artifact image for buildroot that closely resembles the official images. This means we are implementing support for USB RNDIS, blink, and other functionalities during the buildroot’s build process. Please note that we have integrated the entire process, starting from the first stage boot loader to kernel compilation. In this integration, Buildroot handles the downloading of FSBL and generates the bl2.bin file. It also downloads opensbi to obtain the fw_dynamic.bin file. These files are then combined with uboot and dtb binaries to create a fip.bin file. Additionally, the Linux kernel generates a boot.sd file. Finally, all the necessary components are packed together to form the complete image.

I’m pleased to inform you that my work is nearing completion, and I have uploaded it to GitHub. As part of the process, I have set up a CI/CD pipeline that automatically generates the sdcard.img file. You can test it out by visiting Update makefile.yml · gtxzsxxk/duo-buildroot@4a377f5 (github.com). Once the merge is complete, you will be able to download buildroot from the official site and experience the entire automated process yourself.

Thank you for your interest and support.

Any update on buildroot upstream?

Patches have been submitted. Let’s wait.

That’s awesome, thank you for working on upstream!

Our work had already been submitted for a long while and still remained no response for nearly one month. I’d like to directly put the patches here. If anyone loves to play with buildroot, please have a try. Please apply the patches to the latest 2023.11 release of buildroot. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks for your attention!