Hey everyone!
I was curious whether someone had a successful attempt on overclocking TPU. Recent issues with kernel crashes showed that the switch between 0.5 and 1.0 Tops can be done by changing a single flag in the buildroot (commit: duo256m disable TPU_PERF_MODE · milkv-duo/duo-buildroot-sdk@e49d424 · GitHub). Further investigation led me to a file where the voltage and clock rate can be set up (duo-buildroot-sdk/fsbl/plat/cv181x/platform.c at 77c7d953efe67d9d9742ebda62c629be83d4d991 · milkv-duo/duo-buildroot-sdk · GitHub). I haven’t played with that yet, but I got curious if someone already performed that and managed to achieve a stable version with increased TPU performance. Please share some results!