Ftdi on milk-v duo 256 (DUO-IOB)

I compiled the FTDI successfully on img
sudo make show-targets
alsa-lib alsa-utils bash bash-completion busybox c-periphery ca-certificates cmatrix coreutils cvi-pinmux dhcpcd dnsmasq dropbear duo-pinmux duo-wiringx e2fsprogs ethtool evtest expat file fio freetype gdb gzip host-acl host-attr host-autoconf host-automake host-e2fsprogs host-fakeroot host-genimage host-libtool host-libzlib host-m4 host-makedevs host-mkpasswd host-patchelf host-pkgconf host-skeleton host-util-linux host-xz host-zlib htop i2c-tools ifupdown-scripts initscripts iperf3 json-c kmod libconfuse libcurl libevent libffi libftdi libftdi1 libnl libopenssl libusb libusb-compat libxml2 libxslt libzlib lsof musl-compat-headers nano ncnn ncurses neofetch netcat ntp openssl p7zip parted pv python-certifi python-cffi python-chardet python-evdev python-freetype python-idna python-lxml python-modbus-tk python-numpy python-pillow python-pip python-psutil python-pycparser python-requests python-serial python-setuptools python-smbus-cffi python-spidev python-urllib3 python3 readline skeleton skeleton-init-common skeleton-init-sysv spi-tools spidev_test strace stress-ng tar toolchain toolchain-external toolchain-external-custom tree unrar unzip urandom-scripts util-linux vim wget wpa_supplicant zip zlib zstd rootfs-ext2 rootfs-tar

When burned and boot on DUO 256, and insert the FTDI (UART FTDI) on USB HOST, i cant see anything news on lsusb

[root@milkv-duo]/usr/bin# lsusb
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002

Some tip ? And should show a /ttyUSBx ?