Fun! RISC-V duo256M development board test 好玩! RISC-V duo256M 开发板测玩


B站: 好玩! RISC-V duo256M 开发板测玩_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

1. 收到开发板 Milk-V duo 256m 绿色开发板一块。准备TF卡一张,网线10CM,水晶头一个

2. 参考 duo64M 绑定网线参考资料制作网线

3. 制作完成如下,把网线另一段绑定到覆铜板。

4. 从官方镜像和SDK下载系统镜像,刷到TF卡


5. 添加固定mac地址,重启后从路由器得到分配的IP

echo "pre-up ifconfig eth0 hw ether 78:01:B3:FC:E8:55" >> /etc/network/interfaces && sync

6. 上传 包中的 iperf3 程序到 duo 256M 开发板

 上传到 duo 系统
 chmod +x  iperf3 
 chmod +x  && cp /lib
 ./iperf3  -s    # duo 上开启服务端
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There is also a 512M version in the arace tech store. Does this mean that we will be getting 256MB milk v duo soon? Also when should the 256M version be available to buy on Aliexpress?

I have posted several articles in the community and was active before the QQ group.
So the official staff asked me if I wanted a closed beta version to play, so I received the gift yesterday.
It seems that the official release version will be released on January 15th. Mine does not have carton packaging.


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Duo doesn’t have 512M version (yet), the 512MB version currently on pre-order is Duo S, which is in a different form factor, picture as below:


Oh I see they just added it to the website. Thanks! Where did they first announce the duo S?

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I have ordered from Arace a 256MB and a 512MB board, they informed me, that it’s just a pre-sales. I will have to wait for the delivery, but there is no estimation time, up to now…

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I don’t think it will work as you specified, only by connecting the wires without any filters… I have see some post on this forum mentioning that man had problems maintaining the connection with the other part…

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You can watch my test video, there is no problem at all


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You are right works for me too… I just had to add the right route.


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I ordered one from aliexpress a few days ago, and it is shipping already, but I don’t see the duo s listed anywhere other than arace yet

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