How do I install Fedora to my jupiter's nvme?

I’ve tried dding it from a live image on SD card to no avail.

That’s about as far as my monkey brain can figure out. Any suggestions?

Official documentation specifies their titanflasher tool should be used for writing to NVMe.

Not sure what the difference is, but first decompress the OS image file.

gzip -d /path/to/file/k1-fedora-multi-desktops.img.gz

Download titanflasher

Then follow the pictures in their guide to navigate the screen (currently Chinese only):

Or alternately, try writing the image to a spare SD card to validate the file is usable:

# Force a complete wipe of the SD card just to be sure
sudo dd bs=4M conv=fsync of=/dev/sdXXXX if=/dev/zero     # Change sdXXXX here to the actual device name assigned at that time!

sudo partprobe

# Finally transfer the OS onto the card

sudo dd bs=4M conv=fsync of=/dev/sdXXXX if=/path/to/file/k1-fedora-multi-desktops.img       # Change sdXXXX here to the actual device name assigned at that time!

sudo sync /dev/sdXXXX

Thanks for the response.

I should have mentioned the other steps i took.
You can’t use titanflasher with that image because you need to use a special titanflasher option that connects from a separate computer to the jupiter directly via usb-c, and the image MUST be a .zip extension as it decompresses it and transfers it over. It won’t allow you to use any other kind of file.

I’ve also verified the image works as I had it originally on an SD card which is far too small for serious use.

So I figured perhaps I could install it from the live sd card environment. I tried gnome disks and dd to no avail with the confirmed working fedora sd card image.

So after digging deeper into the files provided and what little available info found, it appears titanflasher has two modes. One is dd’ing whole DISK images as expected. However the second function though seems to be executing Android fastboot style flashing using bootfs and rootfs PARTITION images along with description files, which is an odd choice to go with this method considering this is a linux system.

There are two different types of files then, instead of all being the same drive image as assumed at first glance. This unfortunately means it is not as simple as changing a file from gnu zip to win zip container, but requires extra work to put together a valid package. So the Fedora dd image file can’t be used in titanflasher for transferring to NMVe. Not sure if there was some technical reason for implementing fastboot instead of simply using usb mass storage and familiar linux tools like dd, uboot, fwup. Or maybe Spacemit’s engineers are just Android ‘enthusiasts’ who like self-inflicted torture by going with Google’s ecosystem. Basically they’ve brought rom files from phones to desktop linux and all the mess that entails.

In the meantime something to try using the files currently available, a possible workaround would be to dd the Fedora image onto the SD card. Next download the Ubuntu OS package ‘’ and use titanflasher to load onto the NVMe. Reboot and confirm the board boots with NVMe.

Then take both the SD and NVMe and plug them into the linux host computer at the same time using adapters or spare slots. Mount both media as root and copy all files from rootfs of Fedora SD card to the NVMe root. Do the same for boot partition. Once complete try booting from NVMe by itself again to check if Fedora will come up.

If that does not work, it would be necessary to wait for a rom package of the Fedora image to use titanflasher for flashing NVMe. Maybe the Fedora team is not aware yet of the two different files either and needs to be notified.

Or just bite the bullet and go with Ubuntu → start becoming intimate with the Ubuntu way.

I noticed there’s a new Fedora image but still no compatible nvme .zip :frowning:

I’ll give this a try in the next couple days when I’m home. Thanks for the suggestion!