in the directory of linux
copy current kernel’s config file to the directory:
cp -v /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config
make some change to .config as you need. also change Linux Version in Makefile, example: 5.15.1
make olddefconfig && make localmodconfig
make -j$(nproc)
the builded linux kernel will have version “5.15.1+”
make modules_install
make install
done, just reboot.
remove old kernel
# find old linux image installed
dpkg --list | grep linux-image
# removed the old installed linux-mage
apt-get remove $the_found_packet_name --purge
can we have GitHub - milkv-mars/mars-buildroot-sdk update regularly?
The situation now is: we only have the board(mars) and a NOT updated software. Also we do not have
the documents based on which we can do SOME modification