irradium - source based Linux distribution CRUX adhering to ideology keep it simple, has its own package system, also supports the port system.
irradium development
irradium - source based Linux distribution CRUX adhering to ideology keep it simple, has its own package system, also supports the port system.
irradium development
installation README.TXT
kernel 6.6.68
update v2.0.4
for overclocking 1.8ghz you need to enable boost: echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost
I’d be down to try this.
Is there a filetree version of this for installing it to SSD?
Is there any support for amdgpus?
You can write the unpacked image to SSD with Milk-V Jupiter Install OS Image | Milk-V
or boot from SD card and write with dd to SSD.
The core is from vendor, support was added in 6.6