ISP Daemon tool not working on duo-256m


I executed isp daemon tool on duo-256m board with latest linux image, but it is failed to initialize camera. But, camera test application is working fine. The only difference is camera test application is available in linux image itself and isp daemon tool is prebuilt one and need to download separately.

Below is the log when I run isp daemon tool

[root@milkv-duo]~/install# ./ 64M
MMF Version:7e0cc6a08-musl_riscv64
[6]level = 3
[6]isEnableSetPQBin = 0
[6]SDR_PQBinName = /mnt/data/bin/cvi_sdr_bin
[6]WDR_PQBinName = /mnt/data/bin/cvi_wdr_bin
[6]isEnableSetSnsCfg = 1
[6]SnsCfgPath = ./sensor_cfg.ini
[6]Set log level[3] done
[SAMPLE_COMM_SNS_ParseIni]-1812: Parse ./sensor_cfg.ini
[SAMPLE_COMM_SNS_ParseIni]-1822: ./sensor_cfg.ini Not Found
[SAMPLE_COMM_SNS_ParseIni]-1824: Parse /mnt/data/sensor_cfg.ini
[parse_source_devnum]-1479: devNum =  1
[parse_sensor_name]-1560: sensor =  GCORE_GC2083_MIPI_2M_30FPS_10BIT
[parse_sensor_busid]-1588: bus_id =  2
[parse_sensor_i2caddr]-1599: sns_i2c_addr =  37
[parse_sensor_mipidev]-1610: mipi_dev =  0
[parse_sensor_laneid]-1621: Lane_id =  1, 0, 2, -1, -1
[parse_sensor_pnswap]-1632: pn_swap =  0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[6]CVI_VI_SetDevNum: 1
set CVI_RTSP_MODE as 0[0:multiSensors->oneRtsp 1:multiSensors->multiRtsp]
// : "if run sbm mode, set vi-vpss-mode 1 set venc-bind-vpss true"
buf1-blk-cnt : 0
dev-num : 1                                                                     
model : "./cvi_models/retinaface_mnet0.25_342_608.cvimodel"                     
rtsp-port : 8554                                                                
sbm : 0                                                                         
sbm-buf-line : 64                                                               
sbm-buf-size : 16                                                               
vi-vpss-mode : 1                                                                
video-src-info : [{"bitrate":2000,"bitstream-buf-size":524288,"buf-blk-cnt":5,"]
[SAMPLE_COMM_SNS_ParseIni]-1812: Parse ./sensor_cfg.ini                         
[SAMPLE_COMM_SNS_ParseIni]-1822: ./sensor_cfg.ini Not Found                     
[SAMPLE_COMM_SNS_ParseIni]-1824: Parse /mnt/data/sensor_cfg.ini                 
[parse_source_devnum]-1479: devNum =  1                                         
[parse_sensor_name]-1560: sensor =  GCORE_GC2083_MIPI_2M_30FPS_10BIT            
[parse_sensor_busid]-1588: bus_id =  2                                          
[parse_sensor_i2caddr]-1599: sns_i2c_addr =  37                                 
[parse_sensor_mipidev]-1610: mipi_dev =  0                                      
[parse_sensor_laneid]-1621: Lane_id =  1, 0, 2, -1, -1                          
[parse_sensor_pnswap]-1632: pn_swap =  0, 0, 0, 0, 0                            
*** dev_num:1                                                                   
*** rtspPort:8554                                                               
*** rtsp_max_buf_size:1048576                                                   
*** vi_vpss_mode:1                                                              
*** buf1_blk_cnt:0                                                              
*** model_path:./cvi_models/retinaface_mnet0.25_342_608.cvimodel                
*** enable_set_sensor_config:0                                                  
*** sensor_config_path:/mnt/data/sensor_cfg.ini                                 
*** isp_debug_lvl:255                                                           
*** enable_set_pq_bin:0                                                         
*** sdr_pq_bin_path:                                                            
*** wdr_pq_bin_path:                                                            
**** video_src_info[0]                                                          
**** - rtspURL:stream                                                           
**** - ViChn:0                                                                  
**** - buf_blk_cnt:5                                                            
**** - bEnable3DNR:1                                                            
**** - bEnableLSC:1                                                             
**** - bVpssBinding:1                                                           
**** - VpssChn:0                                                                
**** - enableIspInfoOsd:0                                                       
**** - compress_mode:1                                                          
**** - bVencBindVpss:0                                                          
**** - enableRetinaFace:0                                                       
**** - venc_cfg.codec:265                                                       
**** - venc_cfg.bsMode:0                                                        
**** - venc_cfg.rcMode:0                                                        
**** -                                                          
**** - venc_cfg.iqp:38                                                          
**** - venc_cfg.pqp:38                                                          
**** - venc_cfg.bitrate:1000                                                    
**** - venc_cfg.maxbitrate:8192                                                 
**** - venc_cfg.firstFrmstartQp:34                                              
**** - venc_cfg.initialDelay:1000                                               
**** - venc_cfg.u32ThrdLv:2                                                     
**** - venc_cfg.h264EntropyMode:1                                               
**** - venc_cfg.maxIprop:10                                                     
**** - venc_cfg.maxQp:51                                                        
**** - venc_cfg.minQp:20                                                        
**** - venc_cfg.maxIqp:51                                                       
**** - venc_cfg.minIqp:20                                                       
**** - venc_cfg.s32IPQpDelta:2                                                  
**** - venc_cfg.s32ChangePos:90                                                 
**** - venc_cfg.s32MinStillPercent:20                                           
**** - venc_cfg.u32MaxStillQP:38                                                
**** - venc_cfg.u32MotionSensitivity:24                                         
**** - venc_cfg.s32AvbrFrmLostOpen:0                                            
**** - venc_cfg.s32AvbrFrmGap:1                                                 
**** - venc_cfg.s32AvbrPureStillThr:4                                           
**** - venc_cfg.bitstreamBufSize:524288                                         
**** - venc_cfg.aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag:0                                    
**** - venc_cfg.overscanInfoPresentFlag:0                                       
**** - venc_cfg.videoSignalTypePresentFlag:0                                    
**** - venc_cfg.videoFormat:0                                                   
**** - venc_cfg.videoFullRangeFlag:0                                            
**** - venc_cfg.colourDescriptionPresentFlag:0                                  
enable online mode 1                                                            
vi init failed. s32Ret: 0xffffffff !                                            
init vi fail                                                                    
CVI_RTSP_SERVICE_CreateFromJsonFile fail -1                                     
[REMOTE] cvi_raw_dump_run,158: raw dump ready...                                
waiting for connect...

Is anyone succeeded running isp daemon tool and pqtools with duo-256m board and latest linux image?

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Hey, same issue here. Did you manage to find a workaround for it?

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As far as I remember, there were at least two versions of that tool. With the latest image you are supposed to use the latest version (.2 or something like that) of archive. Besides, it was mentioned there that you don’t actually need to download it separately, since the is already there.
However, imho it doesn’t make any sense: playing with leds is not that difficult, and there are plenty of various examples (not much different from each other), but playing with camera is something completely different (and there are lot’s of undocumented codebase).

I wish someone created a detailed tutorial on how to create your own app (or may be a service, in linux terms) that would, for instance, run motion detection in some area of interest, triggering some other events.

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Hi, The ISP daemon tool source code available at

I created similar app by understanding above code and using lib cvi_ispd2.

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Is your app working with PQTool? Could you please share the source?

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