Make duo camera available for ffmpeg via v4l2

Hi there! I’ve managed to build working image with ffmpeg and even could create a video from jpeg image in a loop. Next step is a simple ffmpeg pipeline into .mpeg file. I’m using v4l2 as input format and /dev/cvi-vi as input device as i found it in dmesg.
Pipeline: ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -input_format mjpeg -i /dev/cvi-vi out.mpeg
The problem is that v4l2 can not identify this device as tty and pipeline is not working. Maybe someone had experience with connect duo’s camera with any other applications except this script? Maybe cvi-vi is not a proper device?
Any help will be appreciated, thank you.

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Hi, Nikolay
Any success with ffmpeg or v4l2 ?
Currently struggling with audio/video stack on duo64mb board
The only way i see now is to write wrapper C code to get required audio/video data using cvitek SDK and then pass it to userspace or a kernel driver
Somehow i succeed to get mic audio from it and have an idea to get speakers working too.
Wifi is suggested to be used with usb stick or something else, but i am going to use separate soc(ESP8684) with SPI/SDIO

I don’t have much experience in embedded C/CPP programming, but do have much in web/backend/fronted/desktop stack
Just registered here and don’t know what to expect from this forum
I thought we could share some experience since we have similar ways :slight_smile:
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