Mmc0: Timeout waiting for hardware interrupt

I’m testing the docker image on the milk-v duo board.

In my test I used a Duo USB&Ethernet IOB.
I tested on 2 different SD cards and got the same error.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

[ 81.491957] mmc0: Timeout waiting for hardware interrupt.
[ 81.497552] mmc0: sdhci: ============ SDHCI REGISTER DUMP ===========
[ 81.504207] mmc0: sdhci: Sys addr: 0x00000012 | Version: 0x00000005
[ 81.510861] mmc0: sdhci: Blk size: 0x00007200 | Blk cnt: 0x00000000
[ 81.517514] mmc0: sdhci: Argument: 0x001011f3 | Trn mode: 0x00000023
[ 81.524166] mmc0: sdhci: Present: 0x03e70106 | Host ctl: 0x0000001f
[ 81.530819] mmc0: sdhci: Power: 0x0000000f | Blk gap: 0x00000000
[ 81.537472] mmc0: sdhci: Wake-up: 0x00000000 | Clock: 0x00000407
[ 81.544125] mmc0: sdhci: Timeout: 0x00000005 | Int stat: 0x00000000
[ 81.550777] mmc0: sdhci: Int enab: 0x03ff100b | Sig enab: 0x03ff100b
[ 81.557429] mmc0: sdhci: ACmd stat: 0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x00000000
[ 81.564082] mmc0: sdhci: Caps: 0x3f68c832 | Caps_1: 0x08006077
[ 81.570735] mmc0: sdhci: Cmd: 0x0000193a | Max curr: 0x00000000
[ 81.577388] mmc0: sdhci: Resp[0]: 0x00000900 | Resp[1]: 0x01f4017f
[ 81.584040] mmc0: sdhci: Resp[2]: 0x325b5900 | Resp[3]: 0x00400e00
[ 81.590690] mmc0: sdhci: Host ctl2: 0x00000080
[ 81.595282] mmc0: sdhci: ADMA Err: 0x00000030 | ADMA Ptr: 0x000000008102d2cc
[ 81.602652] mmc0: cvi: : Reg_200: 0x00000302 | Reg_240: 0x01000100
[ 81.609305] mmc0: cvi: : Reg_244: 0x00000000 | Reg_248: 0x00000000
[ 81.615956] mmc0: cvi: : Reg_24C: 0x00000001 | unplugg: 0x00000000
[ 81.622615] mmc0: cvi: : PAD_SDIO0_PWR_EN:0x03 PU:0 PD:1 DS[2:0]:010
[ 81.629179] mmc0: cvi: : PAD_SDIO0_CD:0x03 PU:1 PD:0 DS[2:0]:010
[ 81.635474] mmc0: cvi: : PAD_SDIO0_CLK:0x00 PU:0 PD:1 DS[2:0]:010
[ 81.641770] mmc0: cvi: : PAD_SDIO0_CMD:0x00 PU:1 PD:0 DS[2:0]:010
[ 81.648066] mmc0: cvi: : PAD_SDIO0_D0:0x00 PU:1 PD:0 DS[2:0]:010
[ 81.654362] mmc0: cvi: : PAD_SDIO0_D1:0x00 PU:1 PD:0 DS[2:0]:010
[ 81.660657] mmc0: cvi: : PAD_SDIO0_D2:0x00 PU:1 PD:0 DS[2:0]:010
[ 81.666953] mmc0: cvi: : PAD_SDIO0_D3:0x00 PU:1 PD:0 DS[2:0]:010
[ 81.673246] mmc0: cvi: : clk_sd0 enable[19]:0xffffe38f
[ 81.678555] mmc0: cvi: : clk_sd0 REG:0x03002070 = 0x00040009
[ 81.684400] mmc0: cvi: : clk_sd0 375 MHz
[ 81.688452] mmc0: sdhci: ============================================