Problems running face detection on USB camera

Hello Everyone,
i’m running tests following this guide: Face Detection | Milk-V

and the milkv-DuoS returned this error message below. It seems the test program is not configured to use a USB camera as image source. Does anyone know how to solve this? any clue is welcome. thanks !

[SAMPLE_COMM_SNS_ParseIni]-1950: Parse /mnt/data/sensor_cfg.ini
[parse_source_devnum]-1605: devNum = 1
[parse_sensor_name]-1686: sensor = GCORE_GC2083_MIPI_2M_30FPS_10BIT
[parse_sensor_busid]-1714: bus_id = 3
[parse_sensor_i2caddr]-1725: sns_i2c_addr = 37
[parse_sensor_mipidev]-1736: mipi_dev = 0
[parse_sensor_laneid]-1747: Lane_id = 2, 0, 1, -1, -1
[parse_sensor_pnswap]-1758: pn_swap = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
MMF Version:7e0cc6a08-musl_riscv64
Create VBPool[0], size: (3110400 * 5) = 15552000 bytes
Create VBPool[1], size: (1382400 * 5) = 6912000 bytes
Create VBPool[2], size: (2764800 * 3) = 8294400 bytes
Total memory of VB pool: 30758400 bytes
Initialize SYS and VB
Initialize VI
ISP Vipipe(0) Allocate pa(0x97276000) va(0x0x3fbbf16000) size(291120)
stSnsrMode.u16Width 1920 stSnsrMode.u16Height 1080 25.000000 wdrMode 0 pstSnsObj 0x3fbcd68878
[SAMPLE_COMM_VI_StartMIPI]-483: sensor 0 stDevAttr.devno 0
vi init failed. s32Ret: 0xffffffff !
init middleware failed! ret=ffffffff

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