Resize rootfs partition on Duo S emmc using the sd card method to flash

I soldered a 32Gb emmc onto my Duo S and it works great. I’m able to flash it without issues other than the rootfs is only ~700Mb. I did edit the partition_emmc.xml on the sd card that I’m using to flash but it didn’t make a change. Is it somewhere in the buildroot???

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Yes, there is one more place you need to edit, I found it once but don’t remember where now… I’ll try to find it but I don’t guarantee anything.

It’s really weird they’d use such a small partition size when they sell the board with 8 GB. I do not understand this.

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I myself would try editing XML file mentioned here.

Thanks! Looking through the post you mentioned it seems it’s never solved how to expand the emmc and they are using windows to flash. I may be a idiot and not reading it right. It seems after the dump they had no change when they edited the same line in the xml that I already have.

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@carbon any ideas on this???

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