As I was checking the milkv duo SoC datasheet (CV1800B), I realized that it supports RVV (RiscVVector extension):
I found a vector sample code to test it out, and when I compiled it and disassembled it , I could see that it did realized the vector instructions:
The code:
#include <riscv_vector.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
clock_t t0, t1;
#define N 31
float input[N] = {-0.4325648115282207, -1.6655843782380970,
0.2876764203585489, -1.1464713506814637,
1.1891642016521031, -0.0376332765933176,
0.1746391428209245, -0.1867085776814394,
-0.5883165430141887, 2.1831858181971011,
0.1139313135208096, 1.0667682113591888,
-0.0956484054836690, -0.8323494636500225,
-1.3361818579378040, 0.7143245518189522,
-0.6917757017022868, 0.8579966728282626,
-1.5937295764474768, -1.4409644319010200,
float output_golden[N] = {
1.7491401329284098, 0.1325982188803279, 0.3252281811989881,
-0.7938091410349637, 0.3149236145048914,
0.9322666565031119, 1.1646643544607362,
-0.6443728590041911, 1.7410657940825480, 0.4867684246821860,
1.0488288293660140, 1.4885752747099299, 1.2705014969484090,
-1.8561241921210170, 2.1343209047321410, 1.4358467535865909,
-0.9173023332875400, -1.1060770780029008, 0.8105708062681296,
0.6985430696369063, -0.4015827425012831, 1.2687512030669628,
-0.7836083053674872, 0.2132664971465569, 0.7878984786088954,
0.8966819356782295, -0.1869172943544062, 1.0131816724341454,
float output[N] = {
1.7491401329284098, 0.1325982188803279, 0.3252281811989881,
-0.7938091410349637, 0.3149236145048914,
0.9322666565031119, 1.1646643544607362,
-0.6443728590041911, 1.7410657940825480, 0.4867684246821860,
1.0488288293660140, 1.4885752747099299, 1.2705014969484090,
-1.8561241921210170, 2.1343209047321410, 1.4358467535865909,
-0.9173023332875400, -1.1060770780029008, 0.8105708062681296,
0.6985430696369063, -0.4015827425012831, 1.2687512030669628,
-0.7836083053674872, 0.2132664971465569, 0.7878984786088954,
0.8966819356782295, -0.1869172943544062, 1.0131816724341454,
void saxpy_golden(size_t n, const float a, const float *x, float *y) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
y[i] = a * x[i] + y[i];
void saxpy_vec(size_t n, const float a, const float *x, float *y) {
size_t l;
vfloat32m8_t vx, vy;
for (; n > 0; n -= l) {
l = __riscv_vsetvl_e32m8(n);
vx = __riscv_vle32_v_f32m8(x, l);
x += l;
vy = __riscv_vle32_v_f32m8(y, l);
vy = __riscv_vfmacc_vf_f32m8(vy, a, vx, l);
__riscv_vse32_v_f32m8 (y, vy, l);
y += l;
int fp_eq(float reference, float actual, float relErr){
// if near zero, do absolute error instead.
float absErr = relErr * ((fabsf(reference) > relErr) ?
fabsf(reference) : relErr);
return fabsf(actual - reference) < absErr;
int main() {
t0 = clock();
saxpy_golden(N, 55.66, input, output_golden);
t1 = clock();
printf("Execution time of saxpy_golden = %0.7f s\n\n", (float)(t1-t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
t0 = clock();
saxpy_vec(N, 55.66, input, output);
t1 = clock();
printf("Execution time of saxpy_vector = %0.7f s\n\n", (float)(t1-t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
int pass = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (!fp_eq(output_golden[i], output[i], 1e-6)) {
printf("failed, %f=!%f\n", output_golden[i], output[i]);
pass = 0;
if (pass)
return (pass == 0);
The assembly:
But when I uploaded it on the board it gave me this
Does anyone have any idea on why it doesn’t work ?
(btw the included riskv toolchain on milkv didn’t seem to realize the vector instructions so I used the riscv64-unknow-elf-gcc)