SoftAP on milkv Duo s

Hi all,

I’m trying to make the Milkv Duo a soft access point so other devices can connect to it however the drivers don’t allow the network to be set in ap_scan=2 mode.

Below is my wpa_supplicant config.

Below is the error I get when starting up wpa_supplicant.

I cannot see the ssid on any device.

Does anyone know how to get this to work?


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I’m too lazy too read the manual of wpa_supplicant
My boundary is cfg80211 or mac80211 from the kernel side

And I know the kernel is v5.10 :wink:

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do you know where in the configs I can change wlan0 to use cfg80211, I cannot find anything that references nl80211 so I’m not sure where to change it.

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you can’t

nl80211 is the interface for wpa_supplicant or hostapd into the kernel
cfg80211 and mac80211 inside the kernel, later one for softmac devices.
aic8800 is a fullmac device.

usually if you want to use a AP you need hostapd

They are some big points on my list for this device

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(Sorry It’s Japanese article.)
I’m not sure it’s useful, but I made Duo an access point before. I didn’t tried network transparency setup.