Who was able to convert the YOLO model to duo256m?
I tried different ways, but none of the results could run on my board. At the same time, the model from the repository works fine.
I’ve tried these methods
- h_ttps://milkv.io/ru/docs/duo/application-development/tdl-sdk/tdl-sdk-yolov5
- h_ttps://milkv.io/ru/docs/duo/application-development/tpu/tpu-yolov5
- h_ttps://github.com/sophgo/tpu-mlir?tab=readme-ov-file
- h_ttps://doc.sophgo.com/sdk-docs/v23.09.01-lts/docs_latest_release/docs/tpu-mlir/quick_start_en/html/Appx.02_cv18xx_guide.html
If you have any ideas on how to solve the problem, I will be glad of any help