I am currently unable to boot the Milk-V Compute Module as the u-boot seems to have been corrupted and there are issues with the filesystem.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
I’ve used the CH341A module to externally reprogram the SPI chip extensively.
Unfortunately, I cannot write to the SPI chip using the CH341A USB module.
I have also tried to write the SPI flash with Mars-UsbFlashTool-v2.4-Windows but wit no sucess.
From my understanding, there might be an issue with the SPI chip partition table that needs to be followed. Could anyone guide how to configure and write to the SPI chip properly?
Thank you for your assistance.
current console logs
Terminal ready
Main section boot fail,use backup section
All section boot fail,please check your Image
BOOT fail,Error is 0xffffffff
Main section boot fail,use backup section
All section boot fail,please check your Image
BOOT fail,Error is 0xffffffff
Thanks, Yes,I have tried, but it seems to me that the SPI flash is erased and it does not have the partitions to write to specific offsets, I guess so.
Can someone share the full image for the SPI flash, so that I can try to write to SPI, to make the board boot again?
I think, in the docs you short the pins 1 and 2 of J12 and connect to microUSB (J11) — steps 2 and 3 here, I guess. And it is likely very much the same as doing it via an external USB-to-TTL converter.
If I see it right, you will need the «Allinone» option, if you have the full image. But I don’t have neither the CM, nor a wINDOWS machine to confirm this guess based on reading the docs.