Use custom dts file with Buildroot

Hi, I’m learning Linux Device Drivers using the Milk-V Duo. I’m using buildroot to generate a system image for me: GitHub - milkv-duo/milkv-duo-buildroot: Which is preparing for the mainline.

I can see that linux adopts the dtb device tree file from the uboot sources.

I can directly edit the dts file milkv-duo-buildroot/output/build/uboot-v2021.10_64mb/arch/riscv/dts/cv1800b_milkv_duo_sd.dts to include my custom modifications.

However when I run make clean on buildroot this file will be gone. I know I can just back up the file somewhere outside buildroot.

But what is the correct way to include the custom dts file into my build? Thanks!

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Clone the repo and make the modification directly on your repo ?

Hmm thanks for the reply. I think you mean the duo-buildroot-sdk? Actually I cannot find the dts in that repo… I am using milkv-duo-buildroot. Anyway I can still edit the file directly still in there… Thanks.

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thanks. yes I did manage to find it afterwards. using the find command. thanks again!

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